After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

12/13/05 TUE:
---Word from American Fantasy:
A Reminder: AMERICAN FANTASY has a new title for this Christmas.

by Mary Frances Zambreno
Cover Art by Douglas Klauba
ISBN: 0-9610352-4-2
Retail Price: $25.00
241 Pages
Publication Date: December 2005 (Now Shipping)

INVISIBLE PLEASURES is Mary Frances Zambreno’s first short story collection. One of the original Writers of the Future contest winners, she sold stories to _Pulphouse_, _MZB’s Fantasy Magazine_ and numerous anthologies. This book gathers the best of them together along with four new tales. While her schedule teaching (she holds a PhD in Medieval Literature), allows her little time to write, her few novels and these stories have received wide acclaim. This is a special event for us, our first short story collection, and we think we are starting on a high note.

Jane Yolen writes in her introduction: “I have been following Mary Frances Zambreno’s publishing career for some time and find myself—like her own Dame Alice de Bryene—standing before the altar whispering a spell. Only my spell goes like this: ‘Write more, damn it!’ MFZ’s stories are pithy, chockablock with munchy bits, and often wise. They are full of the medievalist's love of bright shining objects but also wired into the dark underbelly of change. Her strong women transcend the times in which they live, whether it’s the difficult past—or even the more difficult future. So once again, I say: ‘Write more, damn it!’ Please.”

Queens, healers, witches, adventurers, students, young girls and others are the focus of these tales. Zambreno’s protagonists are always pushed to the limit, finding their individual strength and resolve though adversity. At their heart, her stories are puzzles whose clever resolutions surprise and amaze the readers who have grown to love them. With a deft hand she misdirects, teaches and astounds in stories that flow as easily as water.

The fantastic cover was done by Douglas Klauba. This incredible artist has been doing work for Old Earth Books (CITY, ¡LIMEKILLER!) and Moonstone Publishing. His piece, MERCURY JACK, was included in the recent Spectrum show at the Museum of American Illustration--only 200 pieces were selected from the hundreds that have been published in Spectrum’s 11-year history. MERCURY JACK was there, beside those pieces by Whelan, Maitz, Frazetta, etc. Check out his website at He just won Best of Show at this year's World Fantasy Convention in Madison, Wisconsin. A major talent to watch.

In other words, this is another fine publication from American Fantasy Press. On our website you will find a bio and photo of MFZ ready for download. A link to order dustjackets from us to display in your store, and more. We'll be posting a list of retailers that carry the book. And as reviews come in, you'll see them as well. Contact us if you need more to sell this special collection.

Happy Holidays.



We have copies of DARKSIDE by Dennis Etchison, THE DREAMTHIEF'S DAUGHTER LTD ED., MIDNIGHT MONSTER and THE BROECKER SAMPLER. We are looking to reprint A WALKING TOUR OF THE SHAMBLES next year, if we get permission from the authors and artists.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Bob and Nancy Garcia
American Fantasy Press

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