After quite a while resting on my more or less laurels (past listings) it's time to get a move on and put up some more listings. My goal is five books every day from now on. This should be achievable, but not according to my past performance.

These books get listed in three places: on Amazon, Biblio, and Half. Books without ISBNs (older books) generally will not be listed on half. My prices might vary between these three places. Amazon and Half tell me competing prices, so I peg mine on them. Thus, if the lowest price for Deadly Percheron is $98 on Amazon, I might peg mine at $95. If it weren't my only copy maybe I'd be more reasonable. In fact, I think my Biblio listing is more reasonable.

Going forward (and possibly backward), links to titles of books will send you to the main Amazon listing. My listing will be somewhere amidst the other maybe 237 listings. This is where my photo of the book can be seen, which will probably be a better one than the one Amazon features. Half doesn't let me attach my own photo—at least I don't think it does. Photos are also at biblio. Lots of older listings still don't have photos. Nor updated prices.

I've been lousy at selling direct via email. Sorry about that, if you've tried me. Listing through the major portals keeps me honest—also prompt and reliable.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

05/25/05 WED:
---A batch of paperbacks catalogued for next package insert sheet:
Baen 72113 Anthony, Piers & Robert Kornwise THROUGH THE ICE, 4/92, (fantasy), vg+ 2.50
Berkley F1243 Ballard, J.G. THE VOICES OF TIME, 2nd(5/66), (stories), vg 5.00
Avon Eos 02021 Baxter, Stephen ICEBONES, 6/02, (daughter of Silverhair), new 6.99
Baen 72070 Blish, James CITIES IN FLIGHT Vol. 2, 7/91, (Earthman, Come Home & The Triumph of Time), vg 2.50
Tor 56476 Clarkson, John NEW LOTS, 10/00, (prime-time crime), vg-f 3.00
AvoNova 77483 Deitz, Tom ABOVE THE LOWER SKY, 2/96, (new age fantasy), vg 2.50
Warner Aspect 60633 Duane, Diane THE BOOK OF NIGHT WITH MOON, 3/99, (purr-fect novel), vg+ 3.00
Signet T3861 Farmer, Philip José FLESH, 5/69, (stud-god to a million adoring females), g-vg 3.50
Roc 45821 Giambastiani, Kurt R.A. THE YEAR THE CLOUD FELL, 3/01, (alternate history), vg-f 2.50
Avon Eos 80351 Goonan, Kathleen Ann LIGHT MUSIC, 7/03, (Nanotech Cycle #4), new 7.99
Avon Eos 52180 Hartwell & Cramer (eds) YEAR'S BEST FANTASY 3, 7/03, new 7.99
Avon Eos 52182 Hartwell & Cramer (eds) YEAR'S BEST FANTASY 4, 7/04, new 7.99
Avon Eos 06453 Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (ed) YEAR'S BEST SF 8, 2nd, (2002 stories), new 7.99
Avon Eos 57559 Hartwell, David G. & Kathryn Cramer (ed) YEAR'S BEST SF 9, 3rd, (2003 stories), new 7.99
DAW 1178 Huff, Tanya THE SECOND HOMECOMING, 3/01, (Keeper's Chronicles #2), PR laid in, vg-f 3.00
Roc 45645 Johnson, Oliver THE LAST STAR AT DAWN, 4/01, (Lightbringer #3), vg-f 3.00
Ace F- 294 Kline, Otis Adelbert THE PORT OF PERIL, nd, (Grandon of Venus), vg-f 5.00
Baen 72125 Lackey, Mercedes & Josepha Sherman CASTLE OF DECEPTION, 7/92, (Bard's Tale fantasy), vg+ 2.00
Berkley X1596 Laumer, Keith ASSIGNMENT IN NOWHERE, 8/68, vg 3.50
Bal U 2216 Leiber, Fritz A PAIL OF AIR, ('64), (orig; stories), g-vg 3.50
Pocket Star 86809 Lustbader, Eric Van FLOATING CITY, 5/95, (A Nicholas Linnear Novel; far-east villainy), g-vg 1.50
Perma M3027 M'Instoch, J.T. WORLD OUT OF MIND, 11/55, (man created without emotions to master-mind the conquest of Earth), vg 5.00
Avon Eos 02006 McDevitt, Jack DEEPSIX, 3rd, (apocalypse for a doomed enigma), new 7.99
NEL 01126 Moorcock, Michael THE SLEEPING SORCERESS, 4/72, (Elric), vg+ 5.00
Ace pb 87319 Norton, Andre WARLOCK OF THE WITCH WORLD, nd, vg 2.00
Bal U 2174 Pohl, Frederik A PLAGUE OF PYTHONS, 9/65, (orig), g-vg 3.00
Bal 439K Pohl, Frederik DRUNKARD'S WALK, ('60), (orig; sharply satirical SF), vg 4.00
Bal F685 Pohl, Frederik THE ABOMINABLE EARTHMAN, ('63), (orig; stories), vg 3.50
Bal 206 Pohl, Frederik THE CASE AGAINST TOMORROW, nd, (orig; stories), review slip, vg+ 6.00
Bal 397K Pohl, Frederik THE MAN WHO ATE THE WORLD, ('60). (orig; stories), g-vg $3; vg 5.00
Del Rey 37197 Pohl, Frederik THE WORLD AT THE END OF TIME, 5th(6/93), g-vg 2.00
Baen 72027 Pournelle, Jerry (creator) WAR WORLD Vol II: Death's Head Rebelliion, 12/90, VG 2.00
Baen 72158 Pournelle, Jerry & S.M. Stirling PRINCE OF SPARTA, 3/93, (Falkenberg's Legion), vg 2.00
HarperTorch 79836 Powers, Tim DECLARE, 2nd, (spy fiction blend with otherworldly), new 7.99
HarperTorch 05690 Pratchett, Terry INTERESTING TIMES, 14th, (Discworld novel), new 6.99
HarperTorch 02063 Pratchett, Terry MOVING PICTURES, 6th, (A Novel of Discworld®), new 6.99
HarperTorch 81819 Pratchett, Terry THE TRUTH, 7th, (A Novel of Discworld®), new 6.99
DAW 1145 Radford, Irene GUARDIAN OF THE TRUST, 4/01, (Merlin's Descendants #2; Arthurian legend), vg-f 3.00
Tor 51672 Roessner, Michaela VANISHING POINT, 11/94, (dazzling speculation), vg 3.00
HarperTorch 79227 Russell, Sean THE ONE KINGDOM, 4th, (Swans' War #1), new 7.99
Tor 52577 Saberhagen, Fred A QUESTION OF TIME, 1/93, (dracula novel), vg 2.00
Lancer 74556 Santesson, Hans Stefan (ed) THE MIGHTY BARBARIANS, '69< (orig; Great Sword and Sorcery Heroes), g-vg 3.50
Avn V 2414 Shaw, Bob GROUND ZERO MAN, 9/71, (orig; doomsday device), vg $3; vg+ 4.00
Ace sp 62938 Shaw, Bob ONE MILLION TOMORROWS, ('70), (orig; the price of eternal life), vg+ 5.00
Ace sp 65050 Shaw, Bob THE PALACE OF ETERNITY, ('69), (orig; man's farthest future), g-vg 3.50
Ace sp H 79 Shaw, Bob THE TWO-TIMERS, ('68), (orig; parallel worlds), g-vg $3; vg-f 5.00
Lancer 72697 Shaw, Larry T. (ed) GREAT SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURES, '63, g-vg $3; vg+ 5.00
Dell pb 1940 Sheckley, Robert DIMENSION OF MIRACLES, 6/68, (orig; Earth Hunt), vg $3; vg-f 5.00
Bantam A2003 Sheckley, Robert NOTIONS: UNLIMITED, 6/60, (orig; stories), g-vg 3.50
Bantam A1672 Sheckley, Robert PILGRIMAGE TO EARTH, 10/57, (orig; stories), g $2; g-vg 3.00
Bantam J2443 Sheckley, Robert SHARDS OF SPACE, 7/62, (orig; stories), g-vg $3; vg+ 5.00
Ball 01815 Sherred, T.L. ALIEN ISLAND, 1/70, (orig), g-vg $2; vg 3.00
Lancer 74573 Siegel, Martin AGENT OF ENTROPY, '69, (orig; GAG=Gestalt And Grok), vg+ 4.00
Ball 01601 Silverberg, Robert DIMENSION THIRTEEN, 5/69, (orig; stories), g-vg $3; vg 5.00
Belmont 591 Silverberg, Robert GODLING, GO HOME!, 6/64, (orig; stories), vg 5.00
Macfadden 165 Simak, Clifford D. ALL THE TRAPS OF EARTH, '63, (stories), vg+ 4.00
Perma Star 264 Simak, Clifford D. CITY, 12/53, (The year was 1990...), g-vg 4.00
Berkley G71 Simak, Clifford D. STRANGERS IN THE UNIVERSE, nd, (stories), vg+ 4.00
Belmont 584 Simak, Clifford D. WORLDS WITHOUT END, 4/64, (orig; three stories), vg+ 5.00
Bal 58 Siodmak, Curt RIDERS TO THE STARS, ('53), (orig; novel by Robert Smith based on Siodmak screenplay), g-vg $4; vg 7.00
Laurel 3160 Smith, Cordelia Titcomb (ed) GREAT SCIENCE FICTION STORIES, 2/64, (orig), vg-f 4.00
Monarch 464 Smith, George H. THE UNENDING NIGHT, 11/64, (orig; Runaway Mars), g-vg 4.00
Avon Eos 80783 Smith, Kristine CODE OF CONDUCT, 3rd, (fascinating alien culture), new 6.99
Pyramid G544 Sturgeon, Theodore VENUS PLUS X, 9/60, (orig; outrageous), g-vg 4.00
Avon Eos 54169 Traviss, Karen CITY OF PEARL, 3/04, (orig; vivid assortment of alien races; a stellar debut), new 6.99
Ace F- 293 Tubb, E.C. MOON BASE, ('64), (±Window On the Moon), vg-f 5.00
Del Rey 36076 Turtledove, Harry A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE, 5/90, (orig; first contact), g-vg 2.00
Spectra 56892 Zahn, Timothy CONQUERORS' PRIDE, 9/94, (Conquerors #1), vg 3.00
Tor 55877 Zelazny, Roger & Fred Saberhagen COILS, 3rd, (Ron Miller illus), vg-f 3.00

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